Friday, October 28, 2011


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
                                                                               Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

As we move closer to the presidential election we must, for the sake of making the best choice among bad choices, have a good understanding of where we are as a nation.  This is important because the Fascist leaders of the corporatist are moving in for the jugular.  They feel the time is right to inflict the final blow for control of America, and thereby, the world.  This is exemplified by their actions.  The last election, where they took a landslide victory in the congress and some state governments, gave them the cockiness to believe that the country was ripe for the picking.  Immediately they began to have the republican state governors change voter registration requirements.  Some have even changed the way they distribute Electoral College votes.  They want to move from the popular vote winner take all to assigning an electoral vote per district.   This is telling because the change is only being implemented to win the presidency.  Let me give you an example of how this would work.  In Ohio, it is estimated that Democrats would control only 4 to 7 electoral votes if the change is implemented.  In comparison, the Democrats are expected to control 18 electoral votes under the current popular vote system.  If all the republican controlled states adopted this change it could spell disaster for Obama.  

So am I advocating for Obama?  Not by consensus, but by necessity.  Obama is part of the Fascist establishment; however, his agenda for their complete control is not as progressive as the Republicans.  This is why they want him out, and why we need him in.  Until we can get a candidate that agrees with the Occupy position, we need to slow the Fascist movement down.  

The Republicans are hoping to fast track the Fascist agenda.  This is why they are blocking everything Obama is trying to do to improve the economy; again, another trick to gain the White House.  They are so power hungry that they have begun to eat their own.  The Tea Party faction that carries about half of the Republican voter base has a different idea of who their candidate is.  The Wall Street faction is desperately trying to discredit the Tea Party favorites.  We see that with Carl Rove attacking Herman Cain.
When you are power hungry and can’t win in the arena of ideas, you turn to corruption.  This is where the Republicans are now.  Arrogant bastards tout the Constitution while dealing in deceit and corruption.  Let us not forget Wisconsin where a Republican election official in heavily Republican Waukesha County “found” 14,000 previously uncounted votes. The night before, Democratic challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg had declared victory after establishing a lead of 204 votes.  Do we need more?  George Bush junior, with his brother Jeb in Florida, they stole the presidential election in 2000.  It is said that there are numerous signs that a nation is headed towards Fascism, and one of them is corruption.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.  

                                                                               Excerpt  from the Declaration of Independence

As the Occupy Wall Street protest move on, we are starting to see signs of police crackdowns.  Oakland was the first to establish an all-out assault on “We the People’s” peaceful right to protest.  Atlanta has now joined in on the crackdown as they oppress “We the People’s” rights, and step on the constitution.  One thing it is proving is that the establishment is afraid of “We the People”, and want us to go away.  

Because they want “We the People” to passively go back to our homes and stop putting their crimes and greed in their faces; the chances are we will see more of this across America.  There have been reports that our government is planning strategic operations in Colorado that they call terror drills.  The interesting thing is that the major press has virtually ignored this occurrence.  More than 100 government agencies are taking part in Operation Mountain Guardian, made possible due to a grant from the Department of Homeland Security through FEMA Region VIII and the State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Homeland Security, according to KDVR in Denver. 

It has been reported that these massive coordinated events in Colorado is designed as part of a larger effort to federalize local officials for the eventual implementation of martial law, likely in response to economic conditions.  Although the economic conditions that they are talking about will be a total collapse of our financial system, and said to possibly come next year.  I will address this in later posts.  What is important for “We the People” to understand is if our protests turn violent, they may not hesitate to implement more severe methods, if not all out martial law. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


Make no mistake about it; the financial elites are trying to place world governments under their thumb.  This has been a well thought out plan that has been strategized through monetary policies to force nations into slave indebtedness to the consolidated big banks.  It was tested on 3rd World Nations as a means to improve their economies via globalization; where nation after nation exploded into poverty while the global corporations and banks got rich.  If this was a mistake in economic judgment, why did they continue to impose these policies on nations?

In America this strategy went into full gear under Reagan.  The so called fiscal conservatives ran up massive debts. Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., all added greatly to the debt.  Even after Clinton got us to a surplus, when the fiscal conservative got back in office they turned up the spending machine.  The tax breaks to the rich without paying for them was huge in itself, but adding the wars, unpaid for, was destructive.  

If you listen to the media discussing our situation one would believe that government was inefficient, too big and needed to be reined in.  The truth is, this was a plan by the elites to wrestle America to the ground and take control.  With the Republicans as their major conspirators and some Democrats they have led us to where we are now.  With the massive amount of money to be made, one can understand why they would go into such an intricate plan.  Just look at the 2008 bailout. That was over $800 billion directly from “We the People”, then add the Federal Reserve no interest loans, some say up to 16 trillion.  So I ask you, was the global meltdown a mistake?  Their political conspirators stripped away the regulations that would have prevented this catastrophe.

In short the strategy is this, get the nation in debt. Make them cut services, which is intended to make government ineffective and impoverish the nation.  Then hail business as the savior to prosperity- their prosperity.   Here is a better explanation with a real world example, Greece.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The Republicans are finally rallying around building the infrastructure.  President Obama has been talking about this for years while the Republicans resisted.  But now it appears the Republicans are on board.  Or are they?  It turns out that the Republicans are talking about rebuilding Libya!  Our infrastructure is falling apart because the Republicans are crying “We’re broke” and they are talking about “SPENDING MONEY” to build another nation.  What is going on here?  “We the People” SHOULD have a problem with this? 

The Republicans, in their minds, have a simple reason why they think it is a good idea to go in and rebuild Libya.  Watch the video.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!  They say there is a lot of money to be made for BUSINESSES, which means more money in their pockets as well. You know something Mr. Republican politician, you’re right.   The problem is it will not be to the benefit of "We the People."  We were building Iraq, who also have oil, but oil prices did not go down, nor did those businesses create jobs in America.  This is another form of, yes I’m saying it, “WEALTH TRANSFER”, the taking of public funds to enrich the top 1%.

"We the People", this has to be STOPPED!  We must demand that our politicians work for our benefit first.  “We the People” (Republicans, Democrats, Independents), we need to get these people out of office and let it be known that crony capitalism like this is the reason why they are being voted out.  This is the magic of the Tea Party.  They made it known why they were replacing a particular politician and rallied to get it done.  This is what puts fear in their hearts.  They want to stay career politicians because it is profitable.  We must use that fear of losing their money pot against them, but we must be united as “We the People”, instead of a party affiliate.  This is how we create our New World Order. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


America is made up of two groups, "We the People" and the Government.  This is supposed to be the governing force of this country, in that order. The labels democrats and republicans should not even exist. Today we have changed the order of leadership and the government has taken advantage.  They have aligned themselves with large corporations who have stolen, or better said, bought the leadership from them to serve their interest instead of the interest of "We the People."  Our New World Order is to restore the leadership back to "We the People."

I posted a blog that asked the question, "Can our politicians justify budget cuts?"  Of course they will repeat the same arguments about the deficit.  So in the post I asked if we are broke where did the trillions of dollars come from that we gave to the banks."  Of course I know it came from The Federal Reserve, which is a discussion for another day.  Here, I want to further tackle the idea that, "We're broke."  You may find this article very interesting in helping us answer this question.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


“We the People,” we have some serious discussing to do, and once again I want to directly address the republicans amongst us  The New World Order has come, not the one that we look to create-“For the people by the people”- but the one that has overtaken us.  The fascist new world order by big business ruling over a passive government produces a new type of large government that is not easily recognized.  Government for profit creates a larger government than government for the people.  Large military budgets, corporate welfare, government bailouts have all wasted more money than what we could have spent on public general welfare.  What our republican citizenry misunderstand is that whatever our government is involved in and fund makes it a government program and is in fact the government. This is easily missed because this form of government has a lot of hidden employees.  

Fascism is a government ruled by a tyrannical few that tends to separate society into hierarchies.  MIT’sSimon Johnson (and former Chief Economist of the International Monetary Fund) describes our economy as being led by gambling oligarchs who have captured government as in banana republics (his words), and might plunge the US into an economy worse than the Great Depression. He also states from his article The Quiet Coup: “Elite business interests—financiers, in the case of the U.S.—played a central role in creating the crisis, making ever-larger gambles, with the implicit backing of the government, until the inevitable collapse. More alarming, they are now using their influence to prevent precisely the sorts of reforms that are needed, and fast, to pull the economy out of its nosedive. The government seems helpless, or unwilling, to act against them.” This inaction is due to our government leaders being bought by these oligarchs.

If you love America as you say.  I urge you to stop playing into the divisive arguments of Fox News and their co-conspirators and stand with “We the People.”  It is who you are.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


As we head into the election year the talks about budget cuts have simmered to the needed debate about jobs.  Are "We the People" to forget that those cuts are still looming?  The most dangerous thing for us to do is let the "budget crisis" solution get processed under the radar.  This is exactly what is happening with this "Super Committee."  Another closed door debate is not going to be beneficial to "We the People", they have not been in the pass and they will not be now.  "We the People" should be allowed to hear this debate since it was our politicians who got us into this so called "debt crisis" by mishandling our money; and they also need to explain, in light of the world wide corporate bailouts that our government is participating in, why are these cuts necessary. 
According to an audit commissioned by Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders, The Federal Reserve has bailed out the big banks here and abroad, some big business and some rich individuals to the tune of 3-4 trillion dollars.  This is after the big banks were allowed to steal over 700 billion from "We the People." Our leaders tell us that the problem is past and current government spending.  Well, if this be the case how can we bailout the banks?  Oh, I forgot they paid us back! So you see my friend that was a loan that "You the People" got back with interest. Oh goody for us.  "We the People" got paid back with interest.  So you see the bailout was an investment. Well then that's a horse of a different color, and all is right with the world. 

But wait... That was the over 700 billion.  What about the 3-4 trillion?  Where did this money come from?  "We are broke!" as John Boehner stated so many times during the hostage debates.  If we were broke how in the world did we find 3-4 trillion dollars?  Are our political leaders selling "We the People" down the drain? These are questions "We the People" should be asking.  Democrats, Republicans and Independent voters should be considering these and other questions very seriously.  Maybe its time for all of them to go! Is there a budget crisis, or is there a solution to this crisis that would not demand severe cuts to critical services and programs that would impact are growth?  Just imagine, our leaders are arguing over what to cut to get a 4 trillion dollar budget decrease, when the Federal Reserve had it all along.  Debate would have been over.  So now the question is, why didn't our government get the money?  And if they are participating in the Greece bailout, "We the People" should be able to have a say about that before it happens.  Lets here answers to these questions.  What say you politicians?

Friday, October 7, 2011


While both political parties squabble over which ineffective policy to implement to get us out of this financial mess, we move full speed ahead to the coming crash of our economy.  The failure of our politicians to address the real problems with our economy (The Federal Reserve Bank for one) are leading"We the People"  into a crisis more like a financial apocalypse.  The movie below, "Economic Collapse a Mathematical Certainty." will detail the looming crisis we face.  Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The Occupy Wall Street protesters are beginning to see their support grow larger and larger, not only in New York, or for that matter the United States, but around the world.  The global reach of banks and multinational corporations have laid their fascist hands on nearly every country outside the United States .  The greed, corruption, and war profiting have left the rest of us paying the bills in layoffs, cuts in benefits and cuts in government services. Wall Street begged for public funds to bail them out of their corrupt practices and then paid the public back by foreclosing on the people that they put in hardship and giving themselves large bonuses.  The concern among us knows the frustration the protestors feel because we feel it as well.  You don't have to be a 99% (those not in the top 1% income bracket) to feel the anguish of a falling America.  Statistics bear this out.  We are worse than nearly all the industrialized nations in health care, education, infrastructure and disparity of income.  Despite all of this there are a group of individuals who just don't get it.

The Republicans are starting to weigh in on the Occupy Wall Street movement and what they are saying proves that they don't believe in "We the People."  To them government's job is to help usher in the corporate new world order.  They do not believe that "We the People" can change anything.  Presidential candidate Herman Cain said, “Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks — if you don’t have a job and you are not rich, blame yourself!” Mitt Romney states, “I think it’s dangerous, this class warfare.” These are the people who want to lead this country.  It is obvious that they want to lead us in the same direction that got us into this mess.  The unofficial leader of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh said this, "These people are tools. They are abject tools. They are an embarrassment. I mean the Vietnam War crowd is embarrassed at this bunch, how stupid they are, and then to be steered onto the Brooklyn Bridge where they can then be charged with a crime for obstructing a roadway? This is a bunch of idiots."  These are the voices of the Republican Party, and we need to take notice.