Monday, October 24, 2011


Make no mistake about it; the financial elites are trying to place world governments under their thumb.  This has been a well thought out plan that has been strategized through monetary policies to force nations into slave indebtedness to the consolidated big banks.  It was tested on 3rd World Nations as a means to improve their economies via globalization; where nation after nation exploded into poverty while the global corporations and banks got rich.  If this was a mistake in economic judgment, why did they continue to impose these policies on nations?

In America this strategy went into full gear under Reagan.  The so called fiscal conservatives ran up massive debts. Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., all added greatly to the debt.  Even after Clinton got us to a surplus, when the fiscal conservative got back in office they turned up the spending machine.  The tax breaks to the rich without paying for them was huge in itself, but adding the wars, unpaid for, was destructive.  

If you listen to the media discussing our situation one would believe that government was inefficient, too big and needed to be reined in.  The truth is, this was a plan by the elites to wrestle America to the ground and take control.  With the Republicans as their major conspirators and some Democrats they have led us to where we are now.  With the massive amount of money to be made, one can understand why they would go into such an intricate plan.  Just look at the 2008 bailout. That was over $800 billion directly from “We the People”, then add the Federal Reserve no interest loans, some say up to 16 trillion.  So I ask you, was the global meltdown a mistake?  Their political conspirators stripped away the regulations that would have prevented this catastrophe.

In short the strategy is this, get the nation in debt. Make them cut services, which is intended to make government ineffective and impoverish the nation.  Then hail business as the savior to prosperity- their prosperity.   Here is a better explanation with a real world example, Greece.

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