Friday, December 2, 2011


In my first post on this subject, see here, I was a bit skeptical of the validity of the source and story.   I decided to continue to follow up on the story with hopes in finding verification.  I would like to say that now it appears to be true. 

One of the problems initially was the fact that the filed suit was not showing on PACER, which is the Public Access to Court Electronic Records website.  The Rumor Mill website states that it is now listed.  The question is what are the next steps.  This is a good question for an attorney. 

To see the full text of the lawsuit see here and for background information, here.

Let’ hope it can get some traction in the mainstream.  Maybe calling our favorite talk show host may be a good start.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


In my daily rounds around the internet I uncovered a very interesting story and thought I would share it with you.  It is quite extraordinary in its action and claim.  It is one that I have come across in the past but was not sure of its credibility, but since it has escalated into action I felt compelled to share it. 
It involves a lawsuit of the financial elites and it has been reported to end the elites control over the Western governments.   

“A lawsuit ('11 CIV 8500 - Judge Holwell) was filed in New York on Wednesday 23rd November 2011 which could end the secret government that has ruled Western civilization for the last 300 years.”  - Alcuin and Flutterby website.
An extraordinary claim!  I am not going to go into the details of the lawsuit or the background information simply because I am not knowledgeable enough on the subject to offer any meaningful insight, but you can view the full text of the lawsuit here, and the background here.  If you are familiar with this story and would like to share your information and thoughts, or just have an opinion, I would love to hear them.
If this is true, it further demonstrates the failure of the mainstream media to give us meaningful news.  Then again, considering who owns them, why would they. 

Monday, November 21, 2011


As the banks are in the process of stealing Greece and Italy, our politicians are in the early stages of arguing over massive cuts to services.  We must not forget that “We the People” are not responsible for these problems nor are the people of Europe responsible for theirs.  It’s true that our situation is a bit different from Europe’s. 
Europe is in the last stages of the elite’s takeover, while here in America it is just starting.  Not only that, but the strategy is different.  We have the benefit of watching Europe and projecting our fate, and because of that our leaders are telling us that we need to get our fiscal house in order to avoid being
Europe.  In that, they propose solutions like, starving the government of revenue and cutting ourselves to pieces.  Then they suggest privatizing our nation’s asset (parks, monuments, etc.), pensions and social services.  Well guess what, that is exactly what the banks are imposing on Greece and Italy. 
You see, they are trying to get “We the People” to agree to the banksters demands politically so that it would appear that “We the People” made the decision.  Make no mistake about it, to privatize government services and assets are transferring the nation’s wealth to the elites- who would be the ones buying it.  Not only is that a massive transfer of wealth, but it also guarantees that the elites would be able to continue to rape “We the People”, by taxing us for using the services and assets. 
I can’t say this enough, “We the People” need to come together.  Forget about political affiliations because those differences we can solve easily within a just system; but the system we have now will destroy any hope for “We the People” as a relative force in government.   One other thing, and some of you may not want to hear this, but we need the government.  We need the government to protect our interest.  The problem with government is the people we have elected to represent us.  They are bought by the corporate elites and that is who they are serving.  If we had people that would represent “We the People”, we would see a different government.  That said, why should “We the People” accept any solution from our leaders as one that will serve our interest.  Now think about this, and you know the answer. If the government is dwindled to basically nothing (as most of our politicians want), who will be running the nation?  
I want to share with you this article that points to the solution used by Iceland.  You may not have heard much about Iceland, but they were the first European nation to go bankrupt.  You don’t hear about them now because the elites, who also own the mainstream media, do not want you to know. Please read with understanding.  Let me add this, notice that the politicians decided to side with the people.  The only reason the other countries, including America,  are in the position that we are in is because the politicians are bought by the elites.  Here’s Iceland.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Everyone is beginning to realize that the big banks are the problem.  Large amounts of money are being passed around amongst themselves to bail each other out using non-existing money created on computers.  They then look to force the government to replace invisible money with real money off the backs of their people.  “We the People” must realize that they are doing the same thing here, and as soon as they turn the nations of Europe into Third world nations they will turn to us.  It’s time for us to unite! Forget about this Republican/Democrat deception.  It is used to distract us; to separate use.  This issue affects both of us equally. 
The good news is that some in Europe are beginning to see the light. See below.

Pay close attention to what Farage tells the banksters.  Remember, it is the banks that are pushing austerity here as well, even though they created the financial problem. The Republican no tax pledge is designed to force the people to pay for it instead of the banksters.   

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I have been writing my blog for a short time, in fact, the state of our nation-the state of the world- has prompted me to start it.  I started with no knowledge of what was going on, just like most of you, but I knew something very wrong was going on.  What I have learned is that the world is being hijacked by financial elites.  This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a fact.  Some of you may not have heard about this before and may think it is fantasy.  Surely if this was happening you would have heard about it from the media.  You’re right, if the media was not involved in covering it up.  Why would they do that you ask,   because they are owed by the corporations that are part of the hijacking.  Of course I am talking about the mainstream media.
Truth be told, you do hear some of it in the mainstream media, but it is wrapped in propaganda and lies.  They spin the news to hide the truth.  Example, you might have heard in the mainstream media that Iran now is making nuclear weapons and we must do something about it.  You might have also heard of this absurd plan by the Iranians to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington.  See this and this.
Listening to the mainstream media you would begin to feel a threat from Iran, when in fact this is a contrived threat to promote World War lll. See this and this.
This manufactured threat is conspired from the White House down to the media, and yes, this includes Obama- our Nobel Peace Prize winner.  For those of you like me who really supported Obama and was looking for the change that he advocated it has been a disappointment.   Now what I don’t know is if Obama’s participation is mutual of coerced.  Let’s face it the elite are dangerous people.  In fact, they are insane. Something else you heard of but might not have understood; they have their own military force.  Anyone heard of Black Water? See this.
The atrocities the financial elites have committed for the sake of wealth and power is unconscionable and must be stopped!  They have looted and ruined most of the third world countries before they were able to experience any prosperity.  They have now turned their sights on Europe.  The elites have looted them and are now moving in for the kill, and guess whose next. The method they use is debt, and they work through the Central Banks, IMF and the World Bank.  As you know the central bank in America is the Federal Reserve Bank.  It was the Republicans who, as their puppets, ran up massive debt here in America.  Obama came in and added to it by following the elite’s strategy for pulling us out of a depression that the elites caused.  The elites have us where they want us as they call for austerity- massive cuts.  The sad part about it is the debt we have is from borrowing our own money.   It is time for us to demand our politicians take public money out of the hands of the elites.
Here is a link to a documentary that explains how it works using the Greece situation.  Check it out. Spread the word.  This must end!

Friday, November 11, 2011


The Federal Reserve Bank has been a disaster from its beginning.  Imagine a bank telling you they want to regulate your finances so that you would never run out of money.  They tell you to accomplish this you need to have your money direct deposited into the bank, and when you need your money from the bank they will issue it to you with interest.  If the bank brought this proposal to you I’m sure you would tell them they are crazy, and then promptly tell them to go to hell.  Any sensible person would.
This is pretty much what the Federal Reserve Bank is doing to us.  Under their agreement to control inflation and keep unemployment low, our leaders have allowed the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank the right to issue money to us with interest.  This is the scam of the century.  Our Constitution gives Congress the exclusive right to print money.  If we would have allowed Congress to carry out their Constitutional responsibility we would not have this massive debt, and when you realize the Fed’s monumental failure, one would wonder why we continue to support their existence.  It is obvious that our politicians are not sensible.
“We the People” need to pressure our politicians to follow the Constitution and restore money printing, debt free, to Congress.   We must remember that it will take all of us to unite to take the corruption out of our system.  “We the People”- republicans, independents and democrats- need to come together on these common issues.   
For more on the Federal Reserve read this

Friday, October 28, 2011


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
                                                                               Excerpt from the Declaration of Independence

As we move closer to the presidential election we must, for the sake of making the best choice among bad choices, have a good understanding of where we are as a nation.  This is important because the Fascist leaders of the corporatist are moving in for the jugular.  They feel the time is right to inflict the final blow for control of America, and thereby, the world.  This is exemplified by their actions.  The last election, where they took a landslide victory in the congress and some state governments, gave them the cockiness to believe that the country was ripe for the picking.  Immediately they began to have the republican state governors change voter registration requirements.  Some have even changed the way they distribute Electoral College votes.  They want to move from the popular vote winner take all to assigning an electoral vote per district.   This is telling because the change is only being implemented to win the presidency.  Let me give you an example of how this would work.  In Ohio, it is estimated that Democrats would control only 4 to 7 electoral votes if the change is implemented.  In comparison, the Democrats are expected to control 18 electoral votes under the current popular vote system.  If all the republican controlled states adopted this change it could spell disaster for Obama.  

So am I advocating for Obama?  Not by consensus, but by necessity.  Obama is part of the Fascist establishment; however, his agenda for their complete control is not as progressive as the Republicans.  This is why they want him out, and why we need him in.  Until we can get a candidate that agrees with the Occupy position, we need to slow the Fascist movement down.  

The Republicans are hoping to fast track the Fascist agenda.  This is why they are blocking everything Obama is trying to do to improve the economy; again, another trick to gain the White House.  They are so power hungry that they have begun to eat their own.  The Tea Party faction that carries about half of the Republican voter base has a different idea of who their candidate is.  The Wall Street faction is desperately trying to discredit the Tea Party favorites.  We see that with Carl Rove attacking Herman Cain.
When you are power hungry and can’t win in the arena of ideas, you turn to corruption.  This is where the Republicans are now.  Arrogant bastards tout the Constitution while dealing in deceit and corruption.  Let us not forget Wisconsin where a Republican election official in heavily Republican Waukesha County “found” 14,000 previously uncounted votes. The night before, Democratic challenger JoAnne Kloppenburg had declared victory after establishing a lead of 204 votes.  Do we need more?  George Bush junior, with his brother Jeb in Florida, they stole the presidential election in 2000.  It is said that there are numerous signs that a nation is headed towards Fascism, and one of them is corruption.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.  

                                                                               Excerpt  from the Declaration of Independence

As the Occupy Wall Street protest move on, we are starting to see signs of police crackdowns.  Oakland was the first to establish an all-out assault on “We the People’s” peaceful right to protest.  Atlanta has now joined in on the crackdown as they oppress “We the People’s” rights, and step on the constitution.  One thing it is proving is that the establishment is afraid of “We the People”, and want us to go away.  

Because they want “We the People” to passively go back to our homes and stop putting their crimes and greed in their faces; the chances are we will see more of this across America.  There have been reports that our government is planning strategic operations in Colorado that they call terror drills.  The interesting thing is that the major press has virtually ignored this occurrence.  More than 100 government agencies are taking part in Operation Mountain Guardian, made possible due to a grant from the Department of Homeland Security through FEMA Region VIII and the State of Colorado Governor’s Office of Homeland Security, according to KDVR in Denver. 

It has been reported that these massive coordinated events in Colorado is designed as part of a larger effort to federalize local officials for the eventual implementation of martial law, likely in response to economic conditions.  Although the economic conditions that they are talking about will be a total collapse of our financial system, and said to possibly come next year.  I will address this in later posts.  What is important for “We the People” to understand is if our protests turn violent, they may not hesitate to implement more severe methods, if not all out martial law. 

Monday, October 24, 2011


Make no mistake about it; the financial elites are trying to place world governments under their thumb.  This has been a well thought out plan that has been strategized through monetary policies to force nations into slave indebtedness to the consolidated big banks.  It was tested on 3rd World Nations as a means to improve their economies via globalization; where nation after nation exploded into poverty while the global corporations and banks got rich.  If this was a mistake in economic judgment, why did they continue to impose these policies on nations?

In America this strategy went into full gear under Reagan.  The so called fiscal conservatives ran up massive debts. Reagan, Bush Sr., Bush Jr., all added greatly to the debt.  Even after Clinton got us to a surplus, when the fiscal conservative got back in office they turned up the spending machine.  The tax breaks to the rich without paying for them was huge in itself, but adding the wars, unpaid for, was destructive.  

If you listen to the media discussing our situation one would believe that government was inefficient, too big and needed to be reined in.  The truth is, this was a plan by the elites to wrestle America to the ground and take control.  With the Republicans as their major conspirators and some Democrats they have led us to where we are now.  With the massive amount of money to be made, one can understand why they would go into such an intricate plan.  Just look at the 2008 bailout. That was over $800 billion directly from “We the People”, then add the Federal Reserve no interest loans, some say up to 16 trillion.  So I ask you, was the global meltdown a mistake?  Their political conspirators stripped away the regulations that would have prevented this catastrophe.

In short the strategy is this, get the nation in debt. Make them cut services, which is intended to make government ineffective and impoverish the nation.  Then hail business as the savior to prosperity- their prosperity.   Here is a better explanation with a real world example, Greece.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


The Republicans are finally rallying around building the infrastructure.  President Obama has been talking about this for years while the Republicans resisted.  But now it appears the Republicans are on board.  Or are they?  It turns out that the Republicans are talking about rebuilding Libya!  Our infrastructure is falling apart because the Republicans are crying “We’re broke” and they are talking about “SPENDING MONEY” to build another nation.  What is going on here?  “We the People” SHOULD have a problem with this? 

The Republicans, in their minds, have a simple reason why they think it is a good idea to go in and rebuild Libya.  Watch the video.

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY!  They say there is a lot of money to be made for BUSINESSES, which means more money in their pockets as well. You know something Mr. Republican politician, you’re right.   The problem is it will not be to the benefit of "We the People."  We were building Iraq, who also have oil, but oil prices did not go down, nor did those businesses create jobs in America.  This is another form of, yes I’m saying it, “WEALTH TRANSFER”, the taking of public funds to enrich the top 1%.

"We the People", this has to be STOPPED!  We must demand that our politicians work for our benefit first.  “We the People” (Republicans, Democrats, Independents), we need to get these people out of office and let it be known that crony capitalism like this is the reason why they are being voted out.  This is the magic of the Tea Party.  They made it known why they were replacing a particular politician and rallied to get it done.  This is what puts fear in their hearts.  They want to stay career politicians because it is profitable.  We must use that fear of losing their money pot against them, but we must be united as “We the People”, instead of a party affiliate.  This is how we create our New World Order. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


America is made up of two groups, "We the People" and the Government.  This is supposed to be the governing force of this country, in that order. The labels democrats and republicans should not even exist. Today we have changed the order of leadership and the government has taken advantage.  They have aligned themselves with large corporations who have stolen, or better said, bought the leadership from them to serve their interest instead of the interest of "We the People."  Our New World Order is to restore the leadership back to "We the People."

I posted a blog that asked the question, "Can our politicians justify budget cuts?"  Of course they will repeat the same arguments about the deficit.  So in the post I asked if we are broke where did the trillions of dollars come from that we gave to the banks."  Of course I know it came from The Federal Reserve, which is a discussion for another day.  Here, I want to further tackle the idea that, "We're broke."  You may find this article very interesting in helping us answer this question.