Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I have been writing my blog for a short time, in fact, the state of our nation-the state of the world- has prompted me to start it.  I started with no knowledge of what was going on, just like most of you, but I knew something very wrong was going on.  What I have learned is that the world is being hijacked by financial elites.  This is not a conspiracy theory, this is a fact.  Some of you may not have heard about this before and may think it is fantasy.  Surely if this was happening you would have heard about it from the media.  You’re right, if the media was not involved in covering it up.  Why would they do that you ask,   because they are owed by the corporations that are part of the hijacking.  Of course I am talking about the mainstream media.
Truth be told, you do hear some of it in the mainstream media, but it is wrapped in propaganda and lies.  They spin the news to hide the truth.  Example, you might have heard in the mainstream media that Iran now is making nuclear weapons and we must do something about it.  You might have also heard of this absurd plan by the Iranians to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington.  See this and this.
Listening to the mainstream media you would begin to feel a threat from Iran, when in fact this is a contrived threat to promote World War lll. See this and this.
This manufactured threat is conspired from the White House down to the media, and yes, this includes Obama- our Nobel Peace Prize winner.  For those of you like me who really supported Obama and was looking for the change that he advocated it has been a disappointment.   Now what I don’t know is if Obama’s participation is mutual of coerced.  Let’s face it the elite are dangerous people.  In fact, they are insane. Something else you heard of but might not have understood; they have their own military force.  Anyone heard of Black Water? See this.
The atrocities the financial elites have committed for the sake of wealth and power is unconscionable and must be stopped!  They have looted and ruined most of the third world countries before they were able to experience any prosperity.  They have now turned their sights on Europe.  The elites have looted them and are now moving in for the kill, and guess whose next. The method they use is debt, and they work through the Central Banks, IMF and the World Bank.  As you know the central bank in America is the Federal Reserve Bank.  It was the Republicans who, as their puppets, ran up massive debt here in America.  Obama came in and added to it by following the elite’s strategy for pulling us out of a depression that the elites caused.  The elites have us where they want us as they call for austerity- massive cuts.  The sad part about it is the debt we have is from borrowing our own money.   It is time for us to demand our politicians take public money out of the hands of the elites.
Here is a link to a documentary that explains how it works using the Greece situation.  Check it out. Spread the word.  This must end!

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