Friday, November 11, 2011


The Federal Reserve Bank has been a disaster from its beginning.  Imagine a bank telling you they want to regulate your finances so that you would never run out of money.  They tell you to accomplish this you need to have your money direct deposited into the bank, and when you need your money from the bank they will issue it to you with interest.  If the bank brought this proposal to you I’m sure you would tell them they are crazy, and then promptly tell them to go to hell.  Any sensible person would.
This is pretty much what the Federal Reserve Bank is doing to us.  Under their agreement to control inflation and keep unemployment low, our leaders have allowed the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank the right to issue money to us with interest.  This is the scam of the century.  Our Constitution gives Congress the exclusive right to print money.  If we would have allowed Congress to carry out their Constitutional responsibility we would not have this massive debt, and when you realize the Fed’s monumental failure, one would wonder why we continue to support their existence.  It is obvious that our politicians are not sensible.
“We the People” need to pressure our politicians to follow the Constitution and restore money printing, debt free, to Congress.   We must remember that it will take all of us to unite to take the corruption out of our system.  “We the People”- republicans, independents and democrats- need to come together on these common issues.   
For more on the Federal Reserve read this

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