Monday, November 21, 2011


As the banks are in the process of stealing Greece and Italy, our politicians are in the early stages of arguing over massive cuts to services.  We must not forget that “We the People” are not responsible for these problems nor are the people of Europe responsible for theirs.  It’s true that our situation is a bit different from Europe’s. 
Europe is in the last stages of the elite’s takeover, while here in America it is just starting.  Not only that, but the strategy is different.  We have the benefit of watching Europe and projecting our fate, and because of that our leaders are telling us that we need to get our fiscal house in order to avoid being
Europe.  In that, they propose solutions like, starving the government of revenue and cutting ourselves to pieces.  Then they suggest privatizing our nation’s asset (parks, monuments, etc.), pensions and social services.  Well guess what, that is exactly what the banks are imposing on Greece and Italy. 
You see, they are trying to get “We the People” to agree to the banksters demands politically so that it would appear that “We the People” made the decision.  Make no mistake about it, to privatize government services and assets are transferring the nation’s wealth to the elites- who would be the ones buying it.  Not only is that a massive transfer of wealth, but it also guarantees that the elites would be able to continue to rape “We the People”, by taxing us for using the services and assets. 
I can’t say this enough, “We the People” need to come together.  Forget about political affiliations because those differences we can solve easily within a just system; but the system we have now will destroy any hope for “We the People” as a relative force in government.   One other thing, and some of you may not want to hear this, but we need the government.  We need the government to protect our interest.  The problem with government is the people we have elected to represent us.  They are bought by the corporate elites and that is who they are serving.  If we had people that would represent “We the People”, we would see a different government.  That said, why should “We the People” accept any solution from our leaders as one that will serve our interest.  Now think about this, and you know the answer. If the government is dwindled to basically nothing (as most of our politicians want), who will be running the nation?  
I want to share with you this article that points to the solution used by Iceland.  You may not have heard much about Iceland, but they were the first European nation to go bankrupt.  You don’t hear about them now because the elites, who also own the mainstream media, do not want you to know. Please read with understanding.  Let me add this, notice that the politicians decided to side with the people.  The only reason the other countries, including America,  are in the position that we are in is because the politicians are bought by the elites.  Here’s Iceland.

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