Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We the People have been duped by forces that seek to indebt us.  These forces are easily identifiable as corporate capitalist and politicians.  They engage in a crony capitalism that is careless about the negative impact such practice has on society.  It was said by the Hungarian political economist Karl Polanyi on privatizing common property resources that “allow[ing] the market mechanism to be the sole director of the fate of human beings” will “result in the demolition of society.”
We are now seeing this demolition of society taking place.  The globalization practice of nations privatizing their national assets is nothing more than wealth extraction.  It allows companies to internalize profits while externalizing risk and cost from the corporation to “We the People.” This creates indebtedness.  We see our politicians tag teaming us in pushing this agenda through, the Republicans initiates it while the Democrats stay silent.  “We the People” must come together!  I cannot say this enough.  Republican voters and Democratic voters together form “We the People”, and we cannot institute real change if we are not united.
Look at the state of our nation.  This is not a problem caused by Obama nor is it a problem caused by George Bush.  This is a system problem, and as long as the system exists it will not matter who is president, it will continue to erode America.  The answer for “We the People” is to unite to demand change in the system.  As long as the corporate elites own our politicians the extraction will continue. 
To my Republican brothers and sisters, your party scares you with terms like socialism.  They feed you the bull shit about free market capitalism, when in fact they are leading the charge in ushering in fascism right under your nose. If you need proof that your party is not taking you or this nation seriously, open your eyes and take a good look at the candidates you have to choose from.  To my Democratic brothers and sisters, your party claims to be the protectors of the poor and middle class, while they put up token resistance to cutting programs that aide the poor and middle class and participating in the creation of the fascist state.  If you need more proof that your party is not taking you or this nation seriously, open your eyes and see who Obama has selected for his advisors and notice how there is no resistance to   perpetual wars.  We are all the fools as we play along in the game of making America a third world country. 
It’s time to reject both parties and demand someone to address the system that is extracting from “We the People”, amassing us in debt while transferring our money to the few.  It is time to reject their talking points, finger pointing and fake bickering in front of the camera, while they hang out behind the scenes plotting our destruction.  It’s time to reject the mainstream media who plays the game of reporting on these candidates as though they matter, while ignoring the extraction through the financial sector, military, education, healthcare, correctional facilities and other privatization schemes.  It’s time for “We the People” to unite!

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